How I stay sane being a full time stay at home mom

Having kids literally is not easy. It’s even harder and crazier sometimes especially being a full-time mom. After such a while being a mom of my beloved daughter, I’ve finally got some experiences to tell now. I’m gonna share some survival tips for all the moms out there who are struggling with your motherhood problems. In this post I’m going to share how I stay sane being a full time stay at home mom?

Stay organized and make peace with the mess

A house with kids is surely messier than it was before so what you have to do is being prepared to face the situation. You should set up a certain cleaning schedule on a daily basis so as not to see all the clothes piled up or a sink full of dishes waiting for you to wash them all. Cleaning every day is needed and it helps a lot. 

As your home is where you and your kids spend most of the time in, keeping it clean and fresh can make your mind more relieved and stress-free. 

Ask for help if you need to

You may want to surround yourself with all the supportive people who are always ready to give you a hand whenever you ask for. Raising a child, especially a newborn, requires so much effort and sacrifice, so do not hesitate to ask for help if you feel tired and exhausted. Don’t push yourself so hard. You totally can share all the work with your husband or your mom. This is an important tip to stay sane being a full time stay at home mom.

Listen to your favorite music every day

Music is magic, it’s amazing in healing your inside soul and boosting your mood positively. That’s why I advise you to listen to music every day. A piece of your favorite rhythm can wash away all the unhappy feelings and replace them with happiness again. Let the music fill your entire house with positive vibes, believe me, it can change your life. 

Stay away from negative people

Avoid those negative people who don’t have your back. They have problems in everything you do and don’t allow them to drain your energy. Being a stay-at-home mom makes you more sensitive to others’ opinions and comments about how you raise your child or how to take care of the house. What you have to do is to keep yourself calm and just turn a deaf ear to all that toxic unhelpful comments. 

Do not isolated yourself

A stressed mommy often stays alone thinking about all the bad things that have happened. Don’t ever do that. Share your feelings with a friend or someone you trust and look for a solution. Socialize yourself in a group of people or a small community where you feel comfortable to share things with, you can hang out once a week having dinner with friends and get space for yourself. Or you can just walk your baby around in a stroller to get some fresh air outside and that’s enough. 

Consider yourself as top priority

If you put your kids above yourself, you’re totally wrong. Taking care of yourself is most important. Remember this, you can’t love anyone else if you don’t even know how to love yourself right. Make time to nurture your soul and take good care of your body, take part in some social activities or do regular exercise to keep yourself healthy and balanced. 

You love your kids, I know, who doesn’t. However, you have to be happy, healthy and mentally positive first to give the best to your children. 

Seek for a home-based job

This is my biggest tip on how I stay sane being a full time stay at home mom. Being able to make money from my blog (as well as my Instagram) is such a blessing.

Money is crucial. I know how it feels when you can’t make your own money and live dependently on your spouse’ income, that’s bad. During the time being a stay-at-home mom, why don’t you try to seek for some home-based job such as content writer or work-from-home customer service or some other positions which allow you to work for a living and be mom at the same time. Getting yourself busy with work can also keep you away from stress and mental illness. And of course, spending the money made by your own strengthens your courage and confidence as well. 

You know what, motherhood is wonderful. Your home may be filled with toys and your hair may be a mess every day, but some couple of years later, what you and your child remember is not that messy house or dirty hair, what stays in your mind is all the happy time you’ve spent together. Life has its highs and lows, keep your head straight and never give up. God has plan for you and he saves the best for last.